Samsung 5610k Blinking Problem Solved -

If the Samsung 5610k blinks then you have flash the mobile using flash loader, to solve the Samsung 5610k blink solution. In this process you will loose the IMEI of the phone and can be write the IMEI using HWK (SAMs).

File Needed

S5610K_Flash Loader 7.5.3 V0.6 Lite

S5610KJPKI2_OJPKI1 (Flash File Can be download from support site)

Samsung 5610K Flash with Flash Loader

How to Flash Samsung 5610K with Flash Loader?

Open Flash Loader 7.5.3

Click on "SET Model" and Choose S5610_Utopia_Setting_v00.mdl

Main Partion Table - S5610KJPKI2.ptt

CSC Partition Table - S5610KOJPKI1.ptt

 (Tick All Partition For Main and csc)

Then Click on "START" and press 3+6

After Finish the mobile will not blink like before bu the IMEI No. will be 00000 so to Rebuilt the IMEI use the HWK UFSx  and use the C3303K Cable.
